Brief History:
This all began
with the organization of the Atlanta
Youth Trumpet Ensemble in February
2004. The current Atlanta Trumpet
Ensemble and Festival was inspired
by the visit of the youth trumpet
ensemble to the Western Carolina
University Trumpet Festival.
The members of the Atlanta Trumpet
Ensemble consists of collegiate and
high school trumpeters from around
the metro-Atlanta area. The trumpet
ensemble rehearses weekly for two
hours and cover all genres of music
from baroque, latin/jazz, romantic
and classical. The ensemble has
performed in venues all over
Atlanta, Savannah and North
Carolina and Kentucky.
November 6th, 2004 marked our first
annual Atlanta Trumpet Festival at
Emory University. Over 100
participants from Georgia, Florida
and Alabama attended the full day
trumpet clinic. We have changed our
venue this year and are very excited
to announce that we will be at
Lakeside High School for the 2017
festival. Our festival is a full day
and a half and includes an artists
recital, additional ensemble
rehearsals and a festival recital to
conclude the festivities.
What Makes This Your Festival:
Our philosophy is simple: Attend
with a trumpet in one hand and a
notebook in the other. This
festival is a hands-on educational
experience for the youngest middle
school student to our oldest
"mature" adult participant. We
invite the world's best
artists to
hold clinics on various aspects of
trumpet topics that are relevant to
every participant. In between
sessions, everyone is placed in
their respective age group ensembles
and play together. We do not have
auditions to assess one's ability.
We create a non-competitive
environment by allowing the
participants pick which parts they
want to play. No pressure, but tons
of fun!
"I had a wonderful time at your trumpet
fest!!! I am planning on attending
next year and am also planning on
inviting some of my fellow trumpet
players. The clinics were amazing as
were the concerts!! I really enjoyed the
clinicians and the
experience was truly fantastic. Thank
you so much for hosting this event and I
look forward to next year!"
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Frequently Asked
What should I
expect as a participant in the
Atlanta Trumpet Festival?
A fun filled weekend of learning
and fun in master classes and
trumpet ensemble rehearsals with
people from all walks of life
enjoying this opportunity.
Can my family come to the
festival concert in the evening?
Yes, of course they can, the
more the merrier!
Do I need to bring a change
of clothes for the concert in
the evening?
No, this is a very informal
concert and there is no need to
change from the clothes you wear
during the day.
I am concerned
about the safety of my child at
such a public event. What
measures do you enforce for
his/her safety?
We have volunteers that keep a
close eye on every
participant. Your children's
safety and comfort will be our
first priority. Please be aware
that your child will be quite
busy during the day and we take
extra measures to patrol the
I have another
obligation during the festival.
Would I be able to leave the
festival and then come back
Certainly. When you register,
please make a staff member aware
that you will be leaving. You
will have an all access pass, so
you are welcome to come and go
at your pleasure.
Is it necessary to
participate in the trumpet
No, but they are open to
everyone and, no matter what
your skill level on the horn,
you should be able to join in
the fun. There is no audition
required and you will be able to
pick the parts you wish to play.
Can I register and pay at the
Yes. but ATE cannot guarantee a
festival t-shirt or meals for
you unless you pay before the
festival date.
Is the cost the same if I
register and pay at the door?
If I register on the day of
the festival will I still be
able to get a shirt?
It is possible but we cannot
guarantee that we will have one
for you.
What does the
registration fee cover?
2 meals, clinician/conductor
fees, t-shirt, master classes,
and handouts.
I have not
played in 10 years. Should I be
embarrassed to participate?
Certainly not! We have an adult
ensemble that you would feel
comfortable in.
My son/daughter is a middle
school trumpet player and wants
to attend. I haven't played in
10 years, but would like to come
too. Is there a charge for me if
I just sit and watch?
Yes, but bring your horn and
play in the adult trumpet
ensemble, you can join in the
fun too!
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and Directions
The 2022
Atlanta Trumpet Festival will be in
full residence at the
Lakeside Auditorium for Performing
Arts on the
Lakeside High School campus. For distant
participants, view a list of
recommended hotels
near the Lakeside High School campus.
to Lakeside High School

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2022 Schedule
Saturday - November 12,
- 9:30:
Late registration, announcements and
introduction of the Artists and
9:45 - 12:15: Trumpet
Ensemble Rehearsals
12:30 - 1:15: Lunch/Vendors
(the Atrium)
1:30 - 2:45: Clinic
(Lakeside Band Room)
3:00 - 4:30: Trumpet Ensemble
4:45 - 6:00 Clinic
(Lakeside Band Room)
6:15 - 7:00: Dinner/Vendors (the
7:30: Artists Recital (Performance
Sunday - November 13, 2022:
1:00 - 3:00: Final
Trumpet Ensemble Rehearsals
3:00 - 3:30: Mass Trumpet Ensemble Rehearsal
4:00: Festival
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